These are renders of the sample scenes coming with MegaPOV.
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Scene info |
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Scene name: area_light_refl.pov
Features demonstrated: area light max_trace_level
Author: Christoph Hormann
This scene shows how the area light max_trace_level patch
can be used to speed up renders of scenes using area lights
and reflection.
Render Variants:
Scene name: attach.pov
Features demonstrated: simcloth with constraints
Author: Christophe Bouffartigue (tofbouf[at]
[larger version (png, 33k)] [animation (mpeg, 142k)]
Description: Simulation of cloth. Here used as a cloth fixed at one of its corners.
Scene name: bear.pov
Features demonstrated: media fur
Author: Thomas Wilhalm
[larger version (png, 164k)]
Description: Media fur example
Scene name: camera_motion.pov
Features demonstrated: camera_view
Author: René Smellenbergh
[larger version (png, 201k)]
Description: Using the camera_view to simulate camera motion in a single pass.
Scene name: camera_view_desk.pov
Features demonstrated: camera_view
Author: Tom Price, modified by Dan Farmer
[larger version (png, 407k)]
Description: camera_view sample scene
This scene demonstrates the use of camera_view.
The Original scene needed a 3-frame animation to complete
With the aid of camera_view only one pass is needed!
Scene name: subviews.pov
Features demonstrated: camera_view
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
[larger version (png, 49k)]
Description: Sample usage of camera_view and
Scene name: chrono.pov
Features demonstrated: Timer
Author: René Smellenbergh
[larger version (png, 112k)]
Description: Writing parsing time to the image. Exit loop after a specified time.
Scene name: clusglow.pov
Features demonstrated: glow, timer, set
Author: René Smellenbergh
[larger version (png, 211k)]
Description: New atmospheric effect: glow. This scene uses no objects or light sources: only glows.
Scene name: date.pov
Features demonstrated: Time and date functions
Author: Yvo Smellenbergh
[larger version (png, 48k)]
Description: Demo scene for the 'date' function
The time and date function allow to retrieve time and date from the computer system and to use it as strings in your scene.
Scene name: dispwarp.pov
Features demonstrated: Displacement warp
Author: René Smellenbergh
[larger version (png, 491k)]
Description: Demo scene for the displace warp
The displace warp distorts a pattern by moving each point by the value of the color vector of the
displacing pigment at that point. The displacing pigment isn't used for colors, but for vectors.
The rgb values are used for xyz values for translating each point of the pattern being warped.
Scene name: dispwarp2.pov
Features demonstrated: Displacement warp
Author: Chris Huff
[larger version (png, 428k)]
Description: Demo scene for the displace warp
Scene name: drape.pov
Features demonstrated: simcloth
Author: Christophe Bouffartigue (tofbouf[at]
[larger version (png, 45k)] [animation (mpeg, 62k)]
Description: Simulation of cloth. Here used as a cloth falling on a rounded box.
Scene name: exposure.pov
Features demonstrated: film exposure simulation
Author: Christoph Hormann
Description: Demonstrates the film exposure simulation feature
Render Variants:
Scene name: glowlits.pov
Features demonstrated: glow
Author: Chris Huff
[larger version (png, 190k)]
Description: Here the glow effects are coupled with light sources.
Scene name: hdr_environment.pov
Features demonstrated: HDR image output
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 221k)]
Description: HDR writing sample scene
Scene that generates the environment map for 'hdr_mapping.pov'
Scene name: hdr_mapping.pov
Features demonstrated: HDR image reading
Author: Christoph Hormann/Mael
[larger version (png, 72k)]
Description: HDRI mapping sample scene
Scene that uses the environment map generated with 'hdr_environment.pov'
Scene name: interpolate_iso.pov
Features demonstrated: bicubic interpolation
Author: Lutz-Peter Hooge
Description: use of bicubic interpolation for isosurfaces
This scene demonstrates how bicubic interpolation of images
can be done with conventional means using user defined functions
and much faster using the bicubic interpolation patch
Render Variants:
Scene name: interpolate_test.pov
Features demonstrated: bicubic interpolation
Author: Lutz-Peter Hooge
[larger version (png, 22k)]
Description: bicubic interpolation of image maps
A simple demonstration of bicubic interpolation of image maps
Scene name: listed.pov
Features demonstrated: listed pattern
Author: René Smellenbergh
[larger version (png, 218k)]
Description: 'listed' pattern demonstration
Listed picks the color, pigment, normal or texture at the specified location in the map.
Using loops, textures can be taken from the map in different ways. The second and last rows
are randomly picked from their map, the first and third in a linear way.
Scene name: mblur.pov
Features demonstrated: motion blur
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 107k)]
Description: motion blur demo
This scene demostrates the use of the motion blur
feature to emphasize motion in a still scene.
Scene name: bar.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 16k)] [animation (mpeg, 90k)]
Description: mechanics simulation sample scene
This scene demonstrates the use of moving environments.
Scene name: blocks.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 9k)] [animation (mpeg, 106k)]
Description: mechanics simulation sample scene
Demonstrating groups and mass-face-collisions.
Scene name: cloth.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 14k)] [animation (mpeg, 58k)]
Description: mechanics simulation sample scene
This scene demonstrates simulation of rectangular cloth patches.
Scene name: cloth_fixed.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 19k)] [animation (mpeg, 186k)]
Description: a cloth held at the corners
Demonstrates cloth simulation with the Mechsim patch
Scene name: collide_fast.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 12k)] [animation (mpeg, 38k)]
Description: collision of a mass with a block
Demonstrates collisions and stress visualization
60 frames per second slow motion
Scene name: cube.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 200k)] [animation (mpeg, 116k)]
Description: mechanics simulation sample scene
Simple cube topology
Scene name: glow_sim.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 49k)] [animation (mpeg, 486k)]
Description: particle simulation with glows
Demonstrates particle simulation combined with glows
as well as custom forces in mechsim that move the masses
on the ground towards the center
Scene name: hysteresis.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 36k)] [animation (mpeg, 166k)]
Description: demonstrates viscoelastic connections, force measurement and 2d simulation
This scene draws the hysteresis curves (stress-strain curves)
of a connection or a 2d grid under a periodic compression.
The single frequency harmonic movement causes an elliptical
hysteresis for both normal and viscoelastic connections but
the curve starts at the origin with viscoelastic material
which is not the case for normal connections.
Scene name: particle.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 25k)] [animation (mpeg, 378k)]
Description: particle simulation
This scene simulates the movement of a lot of
masses on a structured surface. It demonstrates
environment collisions as well as mass-mass collisions.
Scene name: planets.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 7k)] [animation (mpeg, 668k)]
Description: Planet movement simulation
This scene simulates the movement of the inner
planets of the solar system in real scale using
the interaction feature of the mechsim patch.
Starting conditions are simplified (all orbits in
the same plane). Timescale is 1 day per frame.
The scaling of the planets in the scene is
exaggerated to make them visible.
Scene name: roll.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 33k)] [animation (mpeg, 268k)]
Description: sliding/rolling simulation
This scene shows how changing material peoperties
can influence the interaction of simulation objects
with environments
Scene name: rotate.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 54k)] [animation (mpeg, 160k)]
Description: mechanics simulation sample scene
This scene demonstrates use of the
MechSim_Generate_Line_Std() macro and
the attach function
Scene name: tshirt.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 28k)] [animation (mpeg, 36k)]
Description: mechanics simulation sample scene
This scene demonstrates the creation of more complicated
cloth shapes by combining rectangular patches with
connections. Simulation is done with gradient descent
steps at the beginning and a following conventional
Scene name: viscoelastic.pov
Features demonstrated: mechsim
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 22k)] [animation (mpeg, 164k)]
This scene demonstrates the use of viscoelastic connections
to simulate special material properties, in this case
relaxation of a bar fixed at both sides and bending under
its own weight.
Scene name: nappe.pov
Features demonstrated: simcloth
Author: Christophe Bouffartigue
[larger version (png, 72k)] [animation (mpeg, 90k)]
Description: Simulation of cloth. Here used as a tablecloth.
Demo showing the use of simcloth as tablecloth
Scene name: no_radiosity.pov
Features demonstrated: no_radiosity flag, film exposure simulation
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 132k)]
Description: demo scene for no_radiosity patch
Scene name: noisepig.pov
Features demonstrated: Pigment 'noise_pigment'
Author: Chris Huff
[larger version (png, 667k)]
Description: noise pigment demonstration scene
This pigment isn't really a pattern. It is intended to add some noise to the image.
Scene name: norm_trans.pov
Features demonstrated: normal transform modifier
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 70k)]
Description: normal transform patch demo scene
This scene demostrates how to use the normal transform
modifier to correctly transform the normal vectors of a
smooth triangle
Scene name: parametric.pov
Features demonstrated: parametric object uv-mapping
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
[larger version (png, 56k)]
Description: parametric object uv-mapping demonstration scene
Parametric object already operates on uv coordinates but for
some reason this space is not available for mapping textures on
it. Here is comparision what uv_mapping gives for simple twisted tape.
NOTE: this feature is now included in POV-Ray 3.6
Scene name: pat_aoi.pov
Features demonstrated: aoi pattern
Author: Christoph Hormann
Description: demo scene for aoi pattern
Render Variants:
Scene name: pat_proj.pov
Features demonstrated: projection pattern
Author: Christoph Hormann
Description: demo scene for projection pattern
Render Variants:
Scene name: clip_colors.pov
Features demonstrated: pprocess
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Description: postprocessing sample scene
This scene demonstrates clip_colors.
Render Variants:
Scene name: color_matrix.pov
Features demonstrated: pprocess
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Description: postprocessing sample scene
This scene demonstrates color_matrix effect.
Render Variants:
Scene name: convolution_matrix.pov
Features demonstrated: pprocess
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Description: postprocessing sample scene
This scene demonstrates convolution_matrix.
Render Variants:
Scene name: depth.pov
Features demonstrated: pprocess
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Description: postprocessing sample scene
This scene demonstrates depth effect.
Render Variants:
Scene name: find_edges.pov
Features demonstrated: pprocess
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Description: postprocessing sample scene
This scene demonstrates find_edges.
Render Variants:
Scene name: projection.pov
Features demonstrated: projection pattern
Author: Christoph Hormann
[larger version (png, 399k)]
Description: projection pattern demonstration
Scene name: radiosity_improvements.pov
Features demonstrated: radiosity improvements
Author: Christoph Hormann
Demonstrates some of the radiosity improvements in MegaPOV.
Variant 1 is without any of the patches.
Variant 2 uses the new adaptive pretrace 1.
Variant 3 uses the new adaptive pretrace 2.
Variant 4 uses the adaptive error_bound.
Variant 5 shows sample point visualization.
Variant 6 shows low count visualization.
Render Variants:
Scene name: sor_spline.pov
Features demonstrated: sor_spline spline type
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
[larger version (png, 53k)]
Description: New sor_spline spline type demonstration
Scene name: splines.pov
Features demonstrated: akima_spline, spline,
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
[larger version (png, 71k)]
Description: Comparison of spline types.
Scene name: test_motion.pov
Features demonstrated: motion_blur
Author: Yvo Smellenbergh
[larger version (png, 108k)]
Description: motion blur example
Scene name: textalign.pov
Features demonstrated: Text alignments, noise_pigment
Author: René Smellenbergh
[larger version (png, 139k)]
Description: demonstration of text alignment feature
The added keywords allow to algn text relative to the origin.
Horizontally left, center and right can be used. Vertically top,
center and bottom are allowed.
Scene name: tone_mapping.pov
Features demonstrated: tone mapping
Author: Christoph Hormann
Description: Demonstrates the tone mapping feature
Render Variants:
Scene name: torus_uv.pov
Features demonstrated: torus object uv-mapping
Author: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
[larger version (png, 51k)]
Description: torus object uv-mapping demonstration scene
NOTE: this feature is now included in POV-Ray 3.6