This site is about Unofficial Mac versions of POV-Ray 3.7.0.x and 3.8.x
POV-Ray is a free ray tracing program to render 3D images. It uses a text-based scene description language (SDL).
High-quality examples of images rendered with POV-Ray can be seen at the POV-Ray hall of fame.
Rendering engine
These versions use the standard POV-Ray 3.7.0 rendering program, compiled to run on Apple computers.
With the Unofficial versions for Mac you also get:
- An interface to set all rendering options and preferences;
- An editor with coloured syntax to edit the files;
- Template forms to assist you in writing the correct syntax, showing all possible options;
- A message window showing messages, warnings and errors of the file being parsed or rendered;
- A preview window to watch rendering progress of the image;
- Support for the Insert Menu Add-Ons (standard POV-Ray for Windows collection or 3rd party collections like Friedrich A. Lohmüller's collection;
- Ready for Retina displays;
System requirements:
- Mac Intel-Based;
- System 10.6 or later;
- A screen resolution of at least 800 * 600;
- A fair amount of memory :-) ;