Chapter 3. MegaPOV Include files

Table of Contents

3.1. The '' include file
3.2. The '' include file
3.2.1. Output types for camera_view pigment
3.3. The '' include file
3.3.1. The Type_Of(Id) macro
3.3.2. The Type_Of_Spline(Id) macro
3.3.3. The Type_Of_Object(Id) macro
3.3.4. The Type_Of_Camera(Id) macro
3.4. The '' include file
3.4.1. general aspects
3.4.2. constants
3.4.3. The Vector_Function() macro
3.4.4. The Object generation macros
3.4.5. The topology generation macros
3.5. The '' include file
3.5.1. Macros with effects
3.5.2. Shared predefined effects

Similar to POV-Ray™, MegaPOV also delivers a set of include files to make the use of MegaPOV specific features easier.

3.1. The '' include file

The include file collects definitions of internal functions introduced in MegaPOV (see Section 2.2.4, “Internal functions”).